When I was a young police officer and things like this would happen to me, I felt very alone, I wanted to call out every bad cop I encountered, but there were a lot, but as a black gay man, I never had a superior who was on my side, so the advice I offered you, that came from a different place and a different time. I put all my energy towards rising to a rank where I could make a difference. Well, I'm there now, and I realize that if I don't back you up on this, I would be

1 哈哈哈哈哈holt被jake「懲罰」變成BDay DJ 邊唱rap還要邊跳舞好好笑 還有法警和他們pop quiz裡硬生生把jake的最愛電影改了 jake回答不對主角名字 法警翻了個白眼來了一句「it's like you wanna die」哈哈哈哈哈笑死 jake的黃毛好醜 兩個人在florida的生活真的好搞笑
2新來的captain好白癡 好好笑 越獄成功的jake和holt還是打電話跟99分局小分隊求救 好期待他們72小時florida大作戰
3看著amy和jake不太費力地重新調回一個頻道 不得不說電視劇果然就是電視劇 哈哈哈 gina和holt一直都是神組合 意外救了全場 gina故作謙虛說自己其實是一種spirit 好臭屁哈哈哈 什麼時候才可以不再看到那個傻逼居然會忘了自己下一秒要說啥的警長

【神烦警探 第四季】乔·洛·特鲁格里奥主演,S04E16
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